Aoi M. Kaki Redondo Beach Real Estates

South Bay California Real Estates by Aoi M. Kaki Estate Properties Lic#01328165

ADU(Accessory Dwelling Unit)について

ADU(付属住宅)はフルキッチン(シンク、冷蔵庫、調理器、カウンター、収納キャビネット)と浴室を備えた付属住宅で 通常は一戸建て住宅の敷地に見られます。ADUという用語はこのタイプの住宅を説明するため全国で最も一般的に使用されている用語になります。

ADUは家賃収入、成長した子供や高齢化した家族のための追加住宅オプションとして 住宅所有者の余分なスペースとして 様々な理由で建設することができます。


Junior ADUについて
州法ではJunior ADU(JADU)と呼ばれる特別なタイプのADUを許可しています。 JADUは既存の寝室、付属ガレージ、または一戸建て住宅の一つの部屋から作ることができ一戸建て住宅の既存の壁内に作ることができます。JADUには主住宅とは別の玄関と専用キッチンがある場合は広さは500SF以下でなければなりません。JADUが主住宅のバスルームに完全にアクセスできる限り、専用バスルームは必要ありません。路上駐車スペースは必要ありません。

ADUおよびJADUの要件に関しては 各自治体にお問い合わせください。州レベルでのADUの法改正や条例の変更は頻繁に発生するため 以下は一般的なガイドにすぎず 変更される可能性があります。

The unit is not intended for sale separate from the primary residence and may be rented. (see UPDATES)
The lot is zoned for single-family or multifamily use and typically contains an existing dwelling. However, if there is no existing dwelling, an ADU can be built at the same time as the newly constructed dwelling.
The unit is either built attached to the main residence, converted from existing space within an existing main residence, or built detached or converted to an ADU from an accessory building (example detached garage) on the same lot.
Starting January 1, 2020 Cities and counties may establish minimum and maximum ADU size requirements, but the maximum size cannot be less than 850 square feet for a one-bedroom ADU or 1,000 square feet for ADUs with two or more bedrooms.
No passageway can be required.
No setback can be required from an existing garage that is converted to an ADU.
Compliance with the local building code requirements.
Approval by the local health officer where private sewage disposal system is being used.

Limit to one JADU per residential zoned lot with an existing residence already built on the lot.
The owner must record a deed restriction stating that the JADU cannot be sold separately from the single-family residence and restricting the JADU to the size limitations and other requirements of the JADU ordinance.
The JADU must be located entirely within the structure of a single-family residence. Updates in 2020, allowed a JADU to be built within a proposed or existing accessory structure.
The JADU must have its own separate entrance.
The JADU must include an efficiency kitchen that includes a sink, cooking appliance, counter surface, and storage cabinets that meet minimum building code standards. No gas or 220V circuits are allowed.
The JADU may share a bath with the primary residence or have its own bath.